Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Assignment #5: Authors and Essay #2

Following our class discussion, I've decided to read through the Lamarque text, but identify specific questions to direct our focus and conversations.  So, 

1. Read Chapter 3, Authors.  Focus:

A. What are the "personal" and "impersonal" conceptions of poetic/literary composition?

B. What are the positions of "anti-intentionalism" and "intentionalism" regarding the meaning or value of a literary work? (part 3 of chapter 3, skipping over "death of the author").

2. Compose a critical essay (or other form of writing) in which you attempt to define or comment on the effort to define literature as an art form. (Use the same parameters as essay #1).  Due: March 25.

3. Reminder: rewrites of essay #1 due: March 18.

Video: "Death of the Author"

Death of the Author (

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